akhir-akhir ini gue ngerasa banyak salah ama temen-temen gue.
sebagian besar karena gue irresponsible dan kalau ngomong seringnya ga pake dipikir dulu.

gue ga mau ada yang marah ama gue. ga enak banget kalo keya gitu.

huff, mari gue jelaskan kesalahan gue dulu:

one moment i was just talking to my friends, and within seconds i have tell them about my bff's new crush.

yeah, you got it.
a fuckin' mouth dropping.

don't underestimate me, i really don't mean it.
do you think i would've wanted to do that?
the answer is a big NO-NO

i never want to spread juicy gossips about someone's "aib" nor telling everyone about an unexpected issues i just heard.

i hate myself for behaving like that. but words just start leaking from my mouth and i can't stop. i just can't help it.

i have a hunch that this mouth dropping thing has connection with my goddamn remembering disorder habit. maybe i was once abducted and my brain was being brainwashed by a couple of eerie aliens *just like in 'Knowing'*. or maybe i'm just DUMB, and that's why i can't tell the diffrence between 'secrets' and 'gossips'

untuk yang ngerasa, gue bener-bener minta maaf. gue emang ga bisa janji kalo gue ga akan kayak gitu lagi, karena andika kangen band pun pasti tau kalo gue membodohi diri sendiri. gue ga bisa langsung berhenti. tapi gue janji bakal berusaha untuk berubah. jadi enno yang bisa ngontrol omongannya dan ga suka bo'ong. :)
gue tepar.

kemaren kan mbak luvi-tya dateng, ngajak berenang.
padahal gue udah lama banget ga berenang gitu.
dan akhirnya gue kecipak-kecipak kek kecebong, nyaris ga bisa berenang.

hasilnya: PEGEL.
di tengah kolam yang dalemnya 3m, PEGEL.

*coba penjaga kolam renangnya cakep, pasti gue udah berusaha menenggelamkan diri. sayangnya, not my type.*

akhirnya dengan membayangkan ada vin diesel di pinggir kolam, gue nyampe dengan terengah-engah.

shit, i CAN'T swim!

mana di sebelah gue ada orang berenangnya cepet banget gitu. beneran cepet banget. kek gue pas lagi dikejar-kejar sama nyokap yang berniat mencekoki gue dengan sejarah *SINGKAT* demokrasi dan biodata taufik ismail dan rumus euler.

tapi abis berenang, rasanya seger. oia, gue ketemu Synda.

mulai hari ini gue bakal rajin olahraga!!

*padahal sekarang udah jam 10 pagi dan gue masih aja belom beranjak dari tempat tidur, malahan bercinta dengan lappie tersayang dan buku 'the devil wears prada'nya marcia. nyahaha, males is my middle name!*
bahagia banget semalem..

ke gereja bareng mba luvi & mba tya, ketemu kenalan gue di osis. orangnya menyenangkan. gue senyum terus ujung2nya..

ketemu pencerah hidup + dev juga.

abis itu gue ke sms, makan gelato bubble gum, terus duduk-duduk di seberang chicken village, ngedengerin accoustic music sambil nemenin bokap + pade gue minum.

quite exciting sebenernya.

selesai itu pulang. jam12 kita nyampe rumah gue.

gue cuma baca 'the bartimaeus trilogy' bentar abis itu tewas dengan sukses membasahi bantal gue dengan iler.

dan gue mimpiin dia.

what a beautiful day.
Gue kesel ama inoo!

Orang yang *ngerasa* fbls itu punya panggilan MIRIP sama saya. Dan karena itu gue ga suka.
Di tempat les, si ella ampe ketawa-tawa karena tiap dia manggil 'No', ada dua manusia yang nengok. Ugh.

Vomitus, apalagi kalo yang dipanggil ternyata bukan gue, tapi ino-nya.

Kenapa ga kalian panggil si ino itu inigo? Atau mulai sekarang, panggil aja gue keira knightley.

Problem solved, everybody is happy.
um, i am really not in the mood to write these things in english. let's speak indonesian ya nyet.

highlight of the things happening lately:

#tadinya kan gue mau pinjem usbnya christy. dia kasih usbnya pas yoga, tapi ketinggalan di aula sekolah. ujung2nya gue jadi ngajak bu rawati (key holder + t.u. smp) keliling sekolah nyari itu usb, dan ternyata *jeng jeng* usb itu dibawa pulang sama yang punya. setres banget ga si jadi gue. bzt.

#jadi suka sama dean winchester sejak nonton supernatural season 1 episode ke 17. kakak yang baik, *jadi pengen* nyehehe.

#gue sedang dalam proyek menggambar savana afrika di kertas manila buat ekstrakurikuler. chookers for me, please! :D

#bukan mau pamer tapi gue seneng aja ulangan ips gue yang pajak dapet 9,4 tapi gue bener-bener ga ngerti biologi ni. arrgh buat apa si belajar DAON?! *sewot*

#happy anniversary *walaupun telat* buat bff gue yang lagi sebelas bulanan. ehem, hampir setaun ni cieh cieh.

#ngomong-ngomong, rada kesel ni masa green jail 3 minggu lagi uda ulangan umum akhir semester? KAPAN GUE GA STRESS-NYA?!? *apa banget*

#udah ga tau ni mau ngomong apa muahaha. hmm, last but not least, jangan lupa kalau AKUT berbeda dengan KRONIS! keterangan lebih lanjut hubungi kamus bahasa indonesia terdekat.

ya sutra deh ngaclapnya.

P.S.: untuk ukill, hey, ini gue udah nulis pake bahasa indo. awas lu kalo ga buka blog gue tiap hari!

here i go again~

for the last three month i have taken a toefl prep. course
and i've just gotten into the most tiring part: reading comprehension.

this reading thing is confusing, even for me: an unco bookworm. and this reading part often talks about things i don't know *and don't care* at all

really, plenty of 'em talks about unimportant things: bacteria, an army post in la la land, banking crisis, et cetera.

but sometimes i DO find interesting subjects.

such like a hoax, and the fact that Charles Ludwidge Dodgson (his pseudonym was Lewis Caroll, you know, the one who wrote Alice in Wonderland.) was an author of some dorky math text books (some of 'em involving TRIGONOMETRY). *uh, well. i think he seriously had a multiple identity crisis. his first identity is the excitingly over-imaginative boy and the other one, the alter-ego, is the creepy math-a-holic guy*

and last week i had just found an article about FISH. certainly not my favorite pet, even though i have to admit they're kinda cute.

there was this fish *not the 'cute' type, i'm sorry*. it's REALLY an ugly looking fish*, named
the coelacanth is a type of fish that was believed to be extinct. from fossil remains of the coelacanth, paleontologists have determined that it was in existence around 350 million years ago, more than 100 million years before the first dinosaurs arrived on earth. because no fosilized remnants of coelacanth from the last 70 million years have been found, the coelacanth was believed to have died out around the same time as the dinosaurs. however, an unexpected twentieth-century rediscovery of living coelacanths has brought about a reassessment of the status of this prehistoric sea creature.
in 1938, a living specimen of the coelacanth was discovered in the catch of a fishing boat off the coast of South Africa, and since then numerous other examples of the coelacanth have been found in the waters of the Indian Ocean. a few of them was caught in indonesia, too. google 'em. really, they are interesting inspite of their ugliness. they don't even worth a fortune. in fact they are NOT even valuable. but they are still interesting. right?

okay, people. let me tell you one thing: semoga anda tidak membaca kata coelacanth secara indonesia: KU-lacanth.
actually my teacher said that it should be read like this: SEA-lacanth.

well? did ya' make a mistake? ;)

haha, don't you think i can't recognize that dumbfounded look on your face!

ciao, then.