· >> Kenapa semua orang marah sama gue??
Apa sih salah gue?
Terus, apa gue salah kalo gue ga berubah?
Bukan karena gue gamau, tapi karena gue gatau apa yang mesti dirubah.
Aduh tolong ya kalo lo emang kesel ama gue ya ngomong lah baek baek jangan malah diem – dieman keya orang bego.
Gue punya kotak saran kok.
Gue menerima kritik saran pujian cercaan apa kek tapi gue ga trima kalo gue gatau apa – apa tapi tiba – tiba orang – orang yang paling gue sayang ngediemin gue.
I need you guys, and I hope you forgive me.

· >> My dad bought me a shih tzu. <3 ing it
It’s a girl, 2 y.o., tricolor, and she loves to eat and lick.
Yahaaa you should definitely come to my house to snuggle her!!

· >> I bought BARRY LIKUMAHUWA cd. <3 ing it
And I just found out that Barry will play @ FOSSIL (a senior high event)
I hope I could come even though I’m still in middle school!
And @ FOSSIL there will be Raditya Dika too.
Can’t be missed!

· >> I want a Rubik’s cube!!! Could someone tell me where to buy it? I’ll give anything for a RUBIK’S CUBE!!!

· >> I am now working on a painting. It’s schoolwork and the theme is realist painting, so I draw two giant pandas. It’s quiet good if you ask me. Nyehehe. *narsis mode: ON always*

· >> List of films I want to watch:
o The Proposal
o G-Force (cute trailer. effing funny)
o BANDSLAM (Hudgens -__-)
o FD (jelek sih katanya tapii)
o Get Married 2
o Whisper
o The Hangover
o Land of the Lost
o Last Chance Harvey
o UP (yeah, I haven’t watched UP. not yet.)
o New Moon (just want to see my Tay half naked ^^. R-Patz mati aja zzz.)
o AND many more haha I actually forgot what else, but just so you know, there’s still a long list of films. nyahaha.

· >> My schedule is EMPTY. TOTALLY EMPTY for libur lebaran. Does someone want to take me out of my living hell? I will be suppa glad.

· >> Oh yeah, how could I forgot? After libur lebaran, there will be a mid sem test. Ah great. I hate school. Ahh I hope I will be dead by the end of the month.

· >> NAJISS temen gue ditembak tanggal 090909 jam 0909. Haaa. Waaw. Dan dia menolak. Okay that’s ‘great’. prihatin sama yang nembak nyeheehehe

· >> Kenapa orang suka ngepas ngepasin tanggal? Temen sekelas gue ada yang jadian jam 12 menit ke 34 detik ke 56 tanggal 07 bulan 08 tahun 09. Digabung jadi 123456789. NIAT BANJEET.

Ahh I had to go. I’m gonna go somewhere to buy bjk videos hahaha. Gbye all, I’ll update later.
okeh jadi kemaren anak – anak ex-8c reunian.
ya ya ya gua tau belom juga setaun uda reunian haha ga mutu.
norak sih tapi keyanya reunian lagi ngetrend.
lagian emang kelas 8 dulu menurut gue pw banget.
menurut gue looh.
sampe mana tadi?
oyah reunian .
rough plannya gini:
kamis 200809 kan libur tuh sekolah gua. judulnya sih libur awal puasa padahal puasa mulae sabtu. ha. lucu sangat. yah. pokoknya libur. nah gue marcia ella lia pergi ke iteceh buat belanja bahan bahan masakan untuk reunian itu. nah. kita ke kerpur, belanja belanja belanja bayar. doeeng. belom apa - apa udah abis 287.150 hoh hoh. sukur dibagi sama anak – anak lain yang dateng.
sabtu 220809 pulang sekolah kita ke rumah marcia. ada yang langsung, ada yang pulang dulu, apalagi yang cowo – cowo tuh pulang semua, kaga mau ikut masak maunya makan doang dasar.
gue juga pulang dulu sihh hehe.
pulang mandi berangkat lagi.
sampe sana, gue kira udah pada heboh masak – masak gitu. ternyata ya tuhaan malah foto – foto di kamar marcia. ckck.. typical..
about an half hour later, kita baru mulai nyiapin bahan – bahan masakannya.
ditaro di meja.

hm, yeah.
tetep narsis jaya.
terus kita mulai masak di dapurnya marcia. leader kita: CHEF ELISA YANG MASUKIN DAGING DULU BARU NUMIS BAWAAAANG. DUH~.
karena chef leader kita aja ga beres apalagi bawahannya. apalagi gue. kerjaan gue cuma nanya, protes, komentar, ngefotoin temen – temen secara candid, dan nyomotin makanan.
makanan yang kita bikin adalah spaghetti dan macaroni skutel. gatau nulis skutel gimana. scuttle? schottel? keyanya schottel. ih bodo ah. kalo salah remind gue ya, dikomenin aja postnya.
resep macaroni schottel ala ex-8c:
macaroni dicuci, terus direbus, dicobain rame-rame untuk ngeliat udah lembut atau belom, tiriskan. kasih butter biar ga lengket, aduk jangan lupa.
ambil wajan, taro diatas api. kasih minyak / butter, trus bawang bombay di saut̩ (tumis hahaha lagi pengen sok bule neh) setelah baunya rada lumayan, masukin smokebeef yang udah dipotong dengan gaya bebas (soalnya yang motong 2 orang dan jadinya yang satu panjang Рpanjang yang satu kotak Рkotak swt -______-) terus saut̩ smokebeef dan bawang sampe warnanya menyerupai kulit gue, angkat, dan taro di mangkok.
ambil wajan baru. wajan yang ukurannya rada gede, ya. awas ketuker ama muka temen. tarolah si wajan diatas kompor, nyalain apinyah, trus wajan tsb dituangin macaroni yang udah tertiriskan tadi, ditambah daging smokebeef dan bawang, ditambah susu uht full cream satu karton, ditambah keju, losta keju, ditambah garem dan merica, dan ditambah tepung (harusnya tepung terigu tapi kita lupa beli dan marcia ga punya jadi kita pake tepung sajiku yang harusnya buat goreng ayam itu hehhehe). secukupnya aja, dikira – kira, jangan sampe kekentelan dan jangan sampe terlalu cair. yang penting cobain aja terus, biar kalo ga enak ketauan jadi bisa ditambahin. oyah, masukinnya satu – satu dan dikit - dikit ya, sambil diaduk. jangan biadab.
terus setelah adonan menye – menye itu jadi, taro lah di piring kaca oval yang udah dkasi butter sebelumnya. usahain rata. mau pake aluminium foil bolehh, tapi kalo males, gausah pake. soalnya kita juga uda terlanjur nuang makaroninya ke piring kaca oval dan kita lupa pake alfoil tapi ternyata ga lengket loh. nah diatas macaroni itu dikasih butter, diolesin secara merata.
kocoklah 2 biji telur, (awas jangan ngocok biji yang laen. MUAHAHAHA. okeh gue disgusting.) terus olesin diatas macaroni yang udah diolesin butter tadi. yang rata yaa. terus diatas macaroni dikasih keju. jangan lupa kejunya quickmelt, jangan yang lain, jangan coba – coba. biar meleleh gitu maksudnya. soalnya kita ada yang pake keju cheddar biasa tapi ngga melting. sial yak. tapi enak.
terus masukkan ke oven, kalo ga ada oven (atau seperti kasus kita, kalo PIRING OVAL lo GA MUAT masuk ke oven,) pakailah microwave. tapi kalo pake microwave mesti ditongkrongin gitu. dianjurkan pake oven deh.
potong potong dan sajikanlah dengan sambel botolan.
rasanya enak kok, sampe ada yang ga kebagian macaroni karena belom apa – apa udah abis hehe.
resep spaghettinya jangan tanya gue karena gue bukan kru bagian bikin spaghetti.
tapi bikin punchnya gue tau!!!
resep punch ala ex-8c:
ambil bowl gede. tuangin sprite 1liter, tambahin sirup markisa sampai agak orange pucet, cobain. kalo kemanisan tambahin air, kalo kurang manis tambahin sirup dikit aja. terus kasih nata de coco 2 pak sama kasih buah kalengan. aduk –aduk, kasih es batu, VOILA! OUR FRUIT PUNCH IS READY TO GO TO THE DINING TABLE!!
kita selesai masak, anak – anak cowo udah pada dateng. kita langsung berdoa (ngedoain KEVIN EMILIO yang ulang tahun ahay. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEV!) terus langsung serbu meja makan. sekiar 20 orang gitu yang dateng. macaroni langsung ludes, spaghetti abis juga akhirnya.
abis makan kita ngobrol – ngobrol, ada juga yang numpang mandi di tempat marcia, gak lama, entah siapa berinisiatif buat jalan – jalan keluar. ya kita semua jalan jalan lah sampe malem. SERU BANGEEET.
thanks buat seluruh orang yang sudah berpartisipasi dalam acara ini terutama marcia’s asisten rumah tangga yang nyuci – nyuci wajan – wajan ga perawan yang bekas kita pake buat masak.
thanks juga buat seluruh anak ex-8c baik yang bisa dateng maupun yang ga bisa dateng. yang ga dateng nyeselllll!!
lotsa thankyous, especially for:
2. BP
12. KEV
14. LIA
21. DAN yang paling keren: GUE.
i hope our friendship lasts forever, and i hope i’ll never forget you guys.
WE DID GREAT yesterday.

I am the girl kicked out of her home because I confided in my mother that I am a lesbian.

I am the prostitute working the streets because nobody will hire a transsexual woman.

I am the sister who holds her gay brother tight through the painful, tear-filled nights.
We are the parents who buried our daughter long before her time.

I am the man who died alone in the hospital because they would not let my partner of twenty-seven years into the room.

I am the foster child who wakes up with nightmares of being taken away from the two fathers who are the only loving family I have ever had. I wish they could adopt me.

I am one of the lucky ones, I guess. I survived the attack that left me in a coma for three weeks, and in another year I will probably be able to walk again.

I am not one of the lucky ones. I killed myself just weeks before graduating high school. It was simply too much to bear.

We are the couple who had the realtor hang up on us when she found out we wanted to rent a one-bedroom for two men.

I am the person who never knows which bathroom I should use if I want to avoid getting the management called on me.

I am the mother who is not allowed to even visit the children I bore, nursed, and raised. The court says I am an unfit mother because I now live with another woman.

I am the domestic-violence survivor who found the support system grow suddenly cold and distant when they found out my abusive partner is also a woman.

I am the domestic-violence survivor who has no support system to turn to because I am male.

I am the father who has never hugged his son because I grew up afraid to show affection to other men.

I am the home-economics teacher who always wanted to teach gym until someone told me that only lesbians do that.

I am the man who died when the paramedics stopped treating me as soon as they realized I was transsexual.

I am the person who feels guilty because I think I could be a much better person if I did not have to always deal with society hating me.

I am the man who stopped attending church, not because I don't believe, but because they closed their doors to my kind.

I am the person who has to hide what this world needs most, love.

I am the person who is afraid of telling his loving Christian parents he loves another male.

Ninety-five percent of the kids out there are concerned with being popular and fitting in.
Please do your part to end it.