(in no particular order)

—> he’s Asian and he is living in America for college and he’s against racism and he loves his dad and his dog hates him hahaha. he’s funny and he’s raising money for the people in need on his other channel JumbaFund :) and his videos are just so hilarious and straightforward and i love his point of view haha watch please, he’s the most subscribed user in youtube.

—> NAT! she’s so funny and yeah she’s good at editing and i love that porno music slash comment time i always pause the video and read every comment hahaha yes call me dork ppl. oh yeah, she’s Asian too [but she lives in Australia]. her accent is funny though! watch her!

—> oh god, i have been a fan of him since i saw him on American idol season seven and i love him ad i love his attitude and i think he’s reaally funny and different [but in a good way] and i adore his hair and he’s hilarious and i love it when he shouts. oh maaaan you should really watch him <3

masa SMA artinya kamu mulai dapet banyak pertanyaan “mau jadi apa?” atau minimal “mau kuliah jurusan apa?”

kalo bakat dan minat kamu jelas kayak mas eki yang mantep jadi dokter anestesi, kayak rachel yang mantep jadi anak ipa, yah, hidup kamu gampang deh. kalo kamu masih ga jelas dengan hidupmu, ya berarti kamu sama kayak aku.

aku bener bener gapunya ide mau jadi apa. hobiku apa? bakatku apa? aku suka gambar, tapi ga jago. aku suka matematika, tapi itu bukan hobi. aku suka komputer, tapi TIK-ku gak tuntas di raport. aku suka bahasa inggris, tapi grammarku kacau dan pronunciation-ku masih indonesia banget.

kadang suka bingung sendiri mau jadi apa, mau kuliah dimana, mau cari beasiswa dimana dengan kemampuan pas - pasan begini.

jujur aja deh, jaman sekarang siapa sih yang gak pengen hidup enak?

i think maybe later i'll try to find a job i love, so i'll enjoy my job as if it's not even a job at the first place.

Pada saat kita lahir, kita gak bisa milih di keluarga mana kita ingin dilahirkan. Intinya, keluarga udah dipilihin sama yang di atas. Tapi, pas kita beranjak dewasa, kita bisa milih keluarga kita sendiri, yang biasa kita sebut: sahabat.

Sahabat buat aku adalah orang yang bisa aku sapa tengah malem cuma buat ngomongin hal gak penting. Seru - seruan bareng, ketawa tawa bareng. Sahabat adalah orang yang ga bakal marah kalo kita manggil mereka dengan nama nama aneh, karena mereka tahu whatever happens, kita sayang sama mereka. Sahabat gak harus punya selera yang sama dalam hal musik atau film atau bahkan pacar. Walaupun beda beda, mereka nerima apa adanya dan kita malah bakal jadi saling ngelengkapin satu sama lain.
Waktu sedih, sahabat pasti tahu ada sesuatu yang salah tanpa harus dikasihtau. mereka pasti bakal sebisa mungkin menghibur kita dan bantuin kita nyelesaiin masalah.
Gak cuma itu, sahabat adalah orang yang berani ngingetin kamu kalo kamu salah. bukan mojokin, tapi ngasihtau dan bantuin kita buat berubah menjadi lebih baik.
Sahabat juga orang yang paling tau jelek jeleknya kita, tapi gak ngumbar seenaknya dan stick sama kita walaupun kita lagi down banget.

When it hurts to look back, and you’re scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there.

Buat aku mereka partner in crime aku. We do a lot of stupid things together, tease each other, then burst into laughter. We get excited over the little things. There are no demands, no using each other, no pretentions, no lies. We take care of each other. We yell at each other, we get upset too sometimes. But hey, sisters fight. And they’re still sisters.

Glad to have you guys around…
Thanks for being there for me, when the rest of the world walk out

Massive warm hugs and kisses!

well Jogja, thanks for the memories :)
The Top 5 Breakup Excuses & How to Interpret Them
By Dr. George Karanastasis

Every breakup happens for a reason. But too often, that reason is never revealed (at least not the real one).

And we get it guys… you’re trying your best NOT to add fuel to the fire; to avoid making a bad situation even worse…

But dare I say that your “gracious” attempts to cushion our fall are doing us a great disservice.


Because we can’t correct the problem unless we know what it is - either with this relationship or another down the road.

With that said, this post will explore 5 common - yet vague - breakup excuses, how to interpret them, and what to do about them.

Let’s start off with my all-time-favorite:

Common Breakup Excuse #1: “I love you but I’m not in love with you.”
Translation: “I’m not attracted to you anymore. Sure, I might have been in the past but those feelings are long gone.“
This is a classic line a girl gets when she’s been too needy, too clingy, and for too long. The opposite also holds true: it could be the result of prolonged indifference towards your significant other.

In any case, the underlying reason is clear: the attraction is gone. The solution? Obviously, you have to get it back - and we’ll get to that soon - but first let’s tackle the rest of the reasons…

Common Breakup Excuse #2: “It’s not you - it’s me!”
Translation: Once again, “I’m not attracted to you anymore.”
Are you starting to see a pattern here? A relationship begins and ends with attraction. When the latter is gone the former soon follows.

Common Breakup Excuse #3: “I’m too busy for a relationship right now.”
Translation: “This relationship is more trouble than it’s worth and I’m better off without you.”
There’s no such thing as a perfect relationship - each comes with the good and the bad. And the reason that some work out while others don’t is a direct result of this ratio. You see, every one of us will put up with enough “bads” when the “goods” are plenty in supply.
Therefore, in a case such as this, take a hard look at where you’re “lacking” and reverse that ratio. In fact, go grab a pen and make a list - it will be an eye-opener (as long as you’re objective) and will point you in the right direction.


Common Breakup Excuse #4: “I’m falling for you - too hard (and too fast) - and I’m scared!”
If he hit you with this one then you’re in luck (maybe). One of two things could be happening here:
1) He digs you but your game’s too “tight.” As far as the latter’s concerned - not necessarily a bad thing but if this one’s a keeper you’ll have to tone it down and show him your softer side. In short, reassurance is your best friend here.
2) He’s just plain crazy, in which case, cut your losses and move on. Sticking around will bring you nothing but headaches - or worse - the tables will turn and you’ll end up in heartache.


Common Breakup Excuse #5: “You deserve someone better.”
Translation: “I’ll be looking elsewhere to get what you can’t give me.”
“Thanks honey but I like you just fine - let me be the judge of what I deserve.”

Now, that would be a good response to a literal translation but you and I both know that’s not what he means. So give him what he wants or get out of his way.


Girl: What would u do if I broke up with u?

Boy: Then I'd go back to my ex.

(the girl cried and broke up with him)

--next day--

Girl: What are u doing here?

Boy: Like what I said, I'd go back to my ex. So, will u take me back too?
good-byes will always hurt
pictures never replace having been there
memories good or bad will bring tears
and words can never replace feelings
And today it hit me so hard
I’ve never met you before this summer
We became friends this year
You were one of my best guy friends
I could tell you a lot
We were even closer
I was falling for you
We have a weird relationship
I said I like you
But you never stayed away, even just a little
And now I'm missing you
I never thought it'd be like this

See you soon, my bear :3
(Graduation Song)
by Tanya Trombetta

a picture is worth a thousand words
but these words never really need to be heard
or spoken at all, we both understand how we feel

memory upon memory, countless emotions
we've seen ups and downs, been shining and broken
'gotta get this across, i'd be totally lost without you

and we've waited for this day for years
we hope for the best and fight back the tears

if this is right then why does it feels so wrong
i guess life really forces us to move on

we can't be together every step of the way
in my heart you'll stay

we looked to each other when things got tough
and you know i could never thank you enough
for sticking by my side after all we've been through
you know me better than i ever knew myself
and you know i could never trust anybody else
the way i trust you, you're one in a million

we've waited for this day for years
i just never thought how i'd feel once we got here

if this is right then why does it feels so wrong
i guess life really forces us to move on
we can't be together ever step of the way
in my heart you'll stay

keep you here in my heart anywhere i may go
you've been here from the start, look just how much we've grown
i hope you get everything you ever asked for and more

if this is right then why does it feels so wrong
i guess life really forces us to move on
we can't be together every step of the way

if this is right then why does it feels so wrong
i guess life really forces us to move on
we can't be together every step of the way

in my heart you'll stay

masak di rumah marcia

prom bareng temen temen kelas 7

latihan prom pertama di rumah rere

nemenin sari fedofil, main stik bateng jovy, bibie, reyner & kevin tk a1

ke dufan bareng temen kelas 9 :D

ke sms bareng temen kelas 8

foto di depan kelas pas kelas 7, rambut masih pendek :)

by bagus rere santi erika nike :')

i'm so lucky to have friends like you guys

people who asked the question "would you rather leave a lover for a best friend, or leave a best friend for a lover?" are stupid.
if they have friends like you guys, i know they would definitely choose friends over lover

friends are the family we choose for ourselves, and nothing is more important than family
i'm getting married next month.
it's a small party and only few people will be invited.

don't bring any gift.

just bring someone who will marry me.

true love

is when you shed a tear and still want him.

is when he ignores you and you still love him.

is when he loves another girl, but you still smile and say:

"i'm happy for you"

when all you really wanna do is cry and cry.

perasaan baru kemaren gue dapet sms:

Woi!! Kalo lo ngaku anak 9c, besok dateng latian ke sekolah!! Kita matengin dance kelas yak!! jam 9-11,, gak pake ngaret aja yaaa!! pokoknya jam 9 lgsg jalan! See ya there.. Peace out

Tmn" tolong bawa kostum ya.4ward k yg lainny!!

To all 9c's, kt jadinya perform TERAKHIR as the closing of class performances! Tampil stlh lase, sblm weddres, liat fb kalo perlu at status, fwrd thx!

hahaha ternyata prom udah selesai aja.
kelas 9 udah selesai dan mungkin kita bakal hampir ga pernah ketemu lagi
but believe me,
in my heart you guys will stay, always


what makes it special is how we make it special
my last days in jakarta rocks with you guys
thanks for all your wishes and support
i love you guys so much, and unconditionally :)

you guys are the bestest friends anyone could ever had.
whatever shortcomings he has, i like him.
i could line up his faults from here to bandung, but that's not going to change how i feel.

he's a great guy. a way better guy than some of you.
it might sounds like i'm not sure.
but what if i am?

i'm not ashamed i like him.

maybe he's not the coolest-looking guy in the world.
maybe he's a video game nerd and maybe he isn't good at school.
maybe he looks like a clown with his big feet and freakish hairdo.
maybe all he ever does is watch soccer matches and read mangas.

yeah, maybe. but you know what? i like him anyway. a lot.


your life sucks?

Quotes Myspace Comments

Quotes Myspace Comments

Q. Why do the French eat snails?

A. Because they don't like fast food.
Sam : would you punish me for some thing i didn't do?

Teacher : no, of course not.

Sam : good, because i did
n't do my homework.

ask me something appropriate at formspring